



  • n.

    心( heart的名词复数 );中心;内心;感情

  • 双语释义

    1. [C]心,心脏 hollow muscular organ that pumps blood through the body
    2. [C]内心,心肠; 爱心 centre of a person's thoughts and emotions, especially of love
    3. [C][U]感情,爱好,爱情 love or affection
    4. [U]勇气,精神 courage; strength of mind; spirit
    5. [C]中心,要点 centre; the main point
    6. [C]红桃牌 a playing card marked with one or more red, heart-shaped figures



    • n.a form of whist in which players avoid winning tricks containing hearts or the queen of spades

      同义词:Black Maria



    用作名词 (n.)
    • affect the heart影响心脏
    • have a weak heart心脏衰弱
    • bare one's heart to sb向某人诉衷肠
    • break sb's heart使某人很伤心,使某人心碎
    • brighten sb's heart使某人心情愉快
    • cross one's heart在胸口画十字(表示说的是真话)
    • cry one's heart out痛哭欲绝,因忧伤而消瘦
    • cultivate the heart陶冶心情
    • do sb's heart good使某人高兴
    • ease one's heart使放心
    • eat one's heart out忧伤过度,因忧患而消瘦
    • gain the heart of a girl赢得姑娘的爱情
    • gather one's heart鼓起勇气
    • give one's heart to sb爱上某人,鼓励某人
    • have a kind heart心肠慈悲
    • have no heart不同情,不体贴
    • have one's heart in one's boots(因害怕而)沮丧,绝望
    • have one's heart in one's mouth非常吃惊
    • have one's heart in sth对某事有兴趣,心在某方面
    • have the heart to do sth有勇气做某事
    • lay one's heart bare倾吐衷肠
    • lift up the hearts of people鼓舞人心
    • lose heart失去信心,没有勇气
    • lose one's heart to sb/sth爱上某人,喜欢上某事
    • open one's heart to sb向某人诉衷情
    • pour one's heart to sb向某人倾诉心里话
    • put one's heart into work全心全意工作
    • read sb's hearts看出某人的心思
    • set one's heart against极力反对
    • set one's heart on把心思全放在…上,渴望
    • sob one's heart out痛哭
    • steal sb's heart博得某人的欢心
    • take heart鼓起勇气,振作起来
    • take sth to heart为某事耿耿于怀,为某事忧虑
    • throw one's heart into work全心全意工作
    • tire sb's heart out使某人感到很厌烦
    • weep one's heart out哭得死去活来
    • weigh upon sb's heart压在某人心头
    • win sb's heart赢得某人的心
    • failing heart衰竭的心脏
    • strong heart健壮的心脏
    • weak heart衰弱的心脏
    • big heart心胸开阔
    • broken heart碎了的心
    • cold heart冷酷的心
    • compassionate heart同情心
    • cruel heart残忍的心
    • evil heart恶毒的心
    • feeling heart富有感情的心
    • free heart胸怀坦荡,无忧无虑
    • generous heart慷慨大方
    • glad heart喜悦的心情
    • good heart善良的心
    • happy heart幸福感,愉快的心情
    • hard heart冷酷的心
    • heavy heart沉重的心情
    • kind heart好心肠
    • light heart轻松愉快的心情
    • noble heart高尚的精神
    • proud heart自豪的心情
    • soft heart善良的心
    • true heart忠诚的心
    • warm heart热心肠
    • wounded heart受伤害的心,受刺激的心
    • dear heart宝贝儿
    • sweet heart情人,爱人
    • diamond heart钻石鸡心
    • heart attack心脏病发作
    • heart blood心血,生命
    • heart disease心脏病
    • heart trouble心脏病
    • after one's own heart适合自己心意的
    • at heart内心里,本质上,关心
    • by heart用心,牢记
    • from the heart of hearts从内心深处
    • from (the bottom of) one's heart真诚地,诚挚地
    • in good heart情绪高昂的
    • in one's heart在内心深处
    • in one's heart (of hearts)在内心深处
    • matter near heart认为重要的事
    • a change of heart改变主意
    • a man of heart有情感的人
    • ace of heart红桃A
    • be false of heart不老实
    • hard of heart冷酷,残忍
    • bottom of one's heart心底里
    • the girl of one's heart心中的姑娘
    • an affair of the heart恋爱
    • out of heart(土地等)贫瘠,沮丧
    • with all one's heart真心实意地
    • with half a heart三心二意地
    • heart of a problem问题的实质
    • heart of gold心地善良的人
    • heart of oak刚强勇敢的人
    • heart of stone铁石心肠
    • heart of the lake湖中心


    queen of hearts红心皇后;女皇的心


    1. My heart was thumping with excitement.
    2. Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble.
    3. He has a kind heart.
    4. Let's get to the heart of the matter.
    5. We should get to the heart of the matter.
    6. I think one heart is the better opening for this hand.
    7. When the opposite leads a spade you should not have played a card of the heart suit that has been leaded.


    Hearts from rodents exposed to intermittent hypoxia or erythropoietin are protected against ischemia-reperfusion injury
    Engineered heart tissue grafts improve systolic and diastolic function in infarcted rat hearts
    Decreased catecholamine sensitivity and beta-adrenergic-receptor density in failing human hearts.
    Evidence for cardiomyocyte repopulation by extracardiac progenitors in transplanted human hearts.
    Multiple, brief coronary occlusions during early reperfusion protect rabbit hearts by targeting cell signaling pathways.
    Mesenchymal stem cells modified with Akt prevent remodeling and restore performance of infarcted hearts.
    Molecular mechanisms for cardiovascular stem cell apoptosis and growth in the hearts with atherosclerotic coronary disease and ische...
    Incidence and size of patent foramen ovale during the first 10 decades of life: an autopsy study of 965 normal hearts.
    Cardiomyocytes derived from human embryonic stem cells in pro-survival factors enhance function of infarcted rat hearts.
    Role of intracellular Na+ in Ca2+ overload and depressed recovery of ventricular function of reperfused ischemic rat hearts. Possibl...